Contractors Insurance in Spokane, WA · Get A Free Quote

Contractors Insurance in Spokane

What’s Covered?

What does Contractors Insurance in Spokane, WA Cover?

  1. General Liability Insurance: Protects contractors against claims of property damage or bodily injury that may occur during a project.
  2. Workers’ Compensation: Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job.
  3. Equipment Insurance: Insures tools and equipment from theft, damage, or loss on-site.
  4. Builders Risk Insurance: Protects construction projects from risks like fire, vandalism, or severe weather.
  5. Commercial Auto Insurance: Covers vehicles used for business purposes, including accidents and damage.
  6. Professional Liability Insurance: Protects against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions during a project.
  7. Contractor Bonding Insurance: Provides financial protection for clients in case the contractor fails to complete the project or meet contractual obligations.

Contractors Insurance FAQ

Common Contractor’s Insurance FAQ’s

Who Generally Needs Contractors Insurance?

  • Carpenters, electricians, remodelers, painters & landscapers
  • A handyman or home repair
  • Freelancers: Writers, graphic designers, bookkeepers, web developers, etc.
  • Cleaning services or carpet cleaners
  • Hair stylists or salon professionals
  • Framing professionals
Contractors Insurance in Spokane, WA - Image of a person on their laptop with tool set up nearby

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