Flood Insurance in Washington

Did you know flood insurance isn’t included in homeowners policies?

Many underestimate the need for flood insurance, but most floods in Washington stem from events less severe than hurricanes. Since 1970, every county in Washington State has faced a Presidential Disaster Declaration for flooding.

According to the National Weather Service:

Flooding typically occurs when prolonged rain falls over several days, when intense rain falls over a short period of time, or when an ice or debris jam causes a river or stream to overflow onto the surrounding area. Flooding can also result from the failure of a water control structure, such as a levee or dam.

In Washington, flooding typically occurs from:

  1. Heavy rainfall on wet or frozen ground, before a snow pack has accumulated, typically cause fall and early winter floods.
  2. Rainfall combined with melting of the low-elevation snow pack typically cause winter and early spring floods.
  3. Late spring floods in Eastern Washington result primarily from melting of the snow pack.
  4. Thunderstorms can cause a flash flood during the summer in Eastern Washington
  5.  On some occasions, thunderstorms embedded in winter-like rainstorms cause flash floods in Western Washington.

Just within the last 5-years, Washington has seen its fair share of flooding. Here are 6 local stories that remind us we never know when to expect a flood.

  1.  Spokane
  2. Medical Lake
  3. Cheney
  4. Walla Walla County
  5. Puget Sound
  6. Snohomish County


Just a few inches of water in your home can cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Ensure your protection against flooding by reaching out to an independent agent today. Contact us through the form below or call 509.928.7528, Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm. We’re here to assist you.

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