Summer Tips: Renters Insurance
Whether staying home or traveling this summer, renters insurance can keep you free of worries in dangerous situations. With adequate coverage, you don’t have to worry about property theft or financial loss, knowing that you will get reimbursed by your insurance provider.
  1. Fire and Smoke

Outdoor BBQs are one of the greatest joys of summer, but a small fire left in the grill unnoticed can let smoke damage your house. Accidents because of outdoor grills are pretty common in summer.

Summer is also peak wildfire season. If a wildfire destroys your home, you’ll be looking at a severe financial loss. Your personal belongings, including your laptop, expensive appliances, and furniture, can be lost in minutes. Make sure your policy covers you, your home, and your belongings!

  1. Thefts and Burglaries

The threat of thefts in the summer is pretty serious. It’s not just break-ins, either. Your bikes, vehicles, and outdoor equipment are also vulnerable. If your insurance policy doesn’t cover you, these thefts can become a serious, costly concern. If you do experience a theft, some policies will reimburse you for the loss and protects stolen goods at their replacement cost. That means you’ll be reimbursed for the total value of the original item minus your deductible.

  1. Trips and Travels

Imagine you’re waiting for a flight, you leave your bags for a while to get a cup of coffee, and when you come back, your laptop is gone. Trip ruined from the start–not to mention having to deal with the financial hit on top of the cost of your vacation!

Depending on your policy, you won’t have to worry–your belongings could be covered while you travel. That applies to your items in the storage, appliances back home, bike, and all the electronic items you carry.

  1. Leaks and Water Damage

What if you leave town for a weekend and come back to a flooded home due to a burst pipe and a cranky downstairs neighbor whose apartment is flooded now too.

If the place you rent has a pool, it’s also protected under certain policies–just in case someone is injured or hospitalized. 

Renters insurance can save you from stressful situations every summer. If you have any questions about your insurance or concerns about your coverage, contact us. Or, get a free quote today and start enjoying the carefree summer you deserve!

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