Top Summer Insurance Claims: How To Avoid Them

Summertime, the livins’ easy… well sometimes. Summer is a time of fun, sunshine, and outdoor activities. It’s also a season that brings its own set of risks that can lead to accidents and insurance claims. If you’re planning a BBQ, a road trip, or a day at the lake, it’s important to be aware of common summer hazards and how to avoid them. Here are the top summer insurance claims and tips to keep your summer safe and stress-free.

Avoid these Top Hazards

1. Outdoor Fire

Barbecues and bonfires do make the livin’ easy, but they can quickly become dangerous if not handled properly. According to insurance reports, outdoor fires are a leading cause of summer claims, often resulting from unattended grills, improperly disposed of coals, or fireworks.

Prevention Tips:

  • Keep Grills Supervised: Never leave a lit grill unattended. Make sure it’s placed on a stable surface away from flammable materials.
  • Properly Dispose of Coals: Allow coals to cool completely before disposing of them in a metal container.
  • Use Fireworks Safely: Only use fireworks in legal open areas away from buildings and dry grass, and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.

2. Slips & Trips

Summer fun can also increase the amount of slips and trips. Wet pool decks, sandy walkways, and uneven outdoor surfaces can lead to injuries that might result in insurance claims for medical expenses or liability.

Prevention Tips:

  • Maintain Clean Surfaces: Keep pool areas dry and free of clutter. Regularly clean and level outdoor pathways.
  • Proper Footwear: Encourage the use of non-slip shoes around pools and other wet areas.
  • Adequate Lighting: Ensure all outdoor areas are well-lit to prevent accidents in the evening or at night.

3. Car Accidents

Summertime road trips are a must, but increased traffic and longer travel distances can lead to a rise in car accidents. Summer also sees an increase in teen drivers, which can contribute to higher accident rates.

Prevention Tips:

  • Regular Vehicle Maintenance: Check tire pressure, fluid levels, and brakes before any long trip.
  • Plan Ahead: Use navigation apps to avoid congested routes and take breaks to stay alert during long drives.
  • Safe Driving Practices: Follow speed limits and encourage focused and defensive driving, especially in unfamiliar areas.

4. Boat Accidents

Having fun in the sun often involves boating, but it comes with its own set of risks. Insurance claims for boat accidents often involve collisions, capsizing, or injuries from water sports.

Prevention Tips:

  • Wear Life Jackets: Ensure everyone on board always wears a properly fit life jacket.
  • Boating Safety Courses: Take a boating safety course to familiarize yourself with navigation rules and emergency procedures.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Just like driving, operating a boat under the influence significantly increases the risk of accidents.
  • Driving at Night: Drive slower than daytime boating and ensure your boat is equipped with the correct navigation lights. These help you see and be seen by other boats.

5. Drownings

Swimming and water activities are major draws during the hot summer months, but they also come with the risk of drowning, particularly for children. Drowning incidents can lead to tragic outcomes and substantial insurance claims.

Prevention Tips:

  • Supervise Constantly: Never leave children unattended near water. Designate a responsible adult to watch over them.
  • Learn CPR: Being trained in CPR can save a life in emergencies.
  • Install Barriers: For home pools, install fences and use safety covers to restrict access when the pool is not in use.

6. Home Burglary

With many people vacationing during the summer, homes can be left vulnerable to burglaries. Insurance claims for stolen property and home damage tend to spike during this season.

Prevention Tips:

  • Security Systems: Invest in a good home security system with alarms and cameras.
  • Neighborhood Watch: Inform trusted neighbors of your absence and ask them to keep an eye on your property.
  • Appear Occupied: Use timers for lights and maintain the lawn to give the appearance that someone is home.

7. Water Damage

Summer storms and heavy rain can lead to significant water damage, especially if your home isn’t properly protected. Insurance claims often stem from flooding, roof leaks, or failed sump pumps.

Prevention Tips:

  • Inspect Roofing and Gutters: Ensure your roof and gutters are in good condition and clear of debris to facilitate proper drainage.
  • Install Sump Pumps: Consider installing a sump pump in basements to manage water from heavy rains.
  • Seal Windows and Doors: Check and seal any gaps around windows and doors to prevent water seepage.

While summer is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, staying vigilant about these common risks can help you avoid the hassle and expense of insurance claims. Taking simple precautions can ensure your summer remains a season of fun and memorable moments, free from accidents and mishaps. If you’d like an independent insurance agent to review your current home, auto or business policy to see if you’re at risk, or would like a new policy written, we’d love to help! Give Associated Agents Group a call at 509-928-7528 or fill out the form below.

Stay safe, and enjoy all that summer has to offer!

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